€ 100.00
hace 2 años
Lords Mobile – Weekly Pass (worth €500)
With this LootCard you receive the Weekly Pass worth 500 Euros, with numerous items including the hero Demon Slayer, which will speed up your start in the game and you have the chance to win iPhone 13 128G (799 USD) as an extra reward.
With this LootCard you receive the Weekly Pass worth 500 Euros, with numerous items including the hero Demon Slayer, which will speed up your start in the game and you have the chance to win iPhone 13 128G (799 USD) as an extra reward.
+351 (967) 4XX-XXX
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Seleccionar juego
Lords Mobile
Genero del juego
- Android
- iOS
- Nintendo Switch
- Otra
- PC
- PS4
- PS5
- Xbox One
- Xbox Series S|X
Tipo de artículo
Packs y Pases
Subclase de artículo
Códigos canjeables
Cantidad item
1 Códigos canjeables
Pagos aceptados
- Paypal
- Transferencia/Tarjeta
- Payoneer
- Trato en mano
- Consultar
- Criptomonedas
- Mercado Pago
- Skrill
- Bizum
Plazo de entrega
48 horas
Método de entrega
- Trato en mano
- Empresa de transporte
- In game
- Envio a una cuenta
- Otros (consultar)
- Marketplace del juego
Acepto devoluciones
- Si
- No
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- 121 Visitas