Highlight ads
In Todogadget you can also highlight your ads and make them more attractive to other users. Highlighted ads appear with the title underlined in yellow so that they stand out from those that are not. It is a good way to get more visits and increase the chances of other users visiting you.
With this pack you can highlight 3 ads. The ad will remain highlighted for 1 day and you can highlight it again until you spend the ones you have available in your balance. If you buy multiple packs, your available ads will be added.
With this pack you can highlight 8 ads. The ad will remain highlighted for 3 days and you can highlight it again until you spend the ones you have available in your balance. If you buy multiple subscriptions, your available ads will add up.
With this pack you can highlight 15 ads. The ad will remain highlighted for 5 days and you can highlight it again until you spend the ones you have available in your balance. If you buy multiple subscriptions, your available ads will add up.
With this pack you can highlight 35 ads. The ad will remain highlighted for 10 days and you can highlight it again until you use up the ones you have available in your balance. If you buy multiple subscriptions, your available ads will add up.
Once you have highlighted an ad and want to highlight a different one or even the same one, on the Packs selection page you will see how many ads are available to highlight. To buy a new pack, you must first use up the available balance of the pack you have active.
The ads remain highlighted depending on the pack you have purchased. Once the duration time has expired, your ads will no longer appear highlighted among others. This option is a good complement to use with the Boost Ads tool that allows you to upload your ads to the top positions in their category. Without a doubt, it is another way to make your ads more visible and attractive to other users. A large percentage of users visit highlighted ads. Many users have become more successful thanks to Highlighting their best ads from others in their category.
In addition to highlighting your ads, you can also take them to the first position of their category:
How to Boost Ads to First Place and Available Pack
To buy any of the available packs, you can make the payment with Paypal, Card or through credits. You can buy credits or redeem the ones you already have accumulated in your balance. Buying credits allows you to Buy Packs in a cheaper way.
More information about Buy credits
If you access the page to highlight ads you will see your available balance to spend highlighting your best ads.

With this pack you can highlight 3 ads. The ad will remain highlighted for 1 day and you can highlight it again until you spend the ones you have available in your balance. If you buy multiple packs, your available ads will be added.
With this pack you can highlight 8 ads. The ad will remain highlighted for 3 days and you can highlight it again until you spend the ones you have available in your balance. If you buy multiple subscriptions, your available ads will add up.
With this pack you can highlight 15 ads. The ad will remain highlighted for 5 days and you can highlight it again until you spend the ones you have available in your balance. If you buy multiple subscriptions, your available ads will add up.
With this pack you can highlight 35 ads. The ad will remain highlighted for 10 days and you can highlight it again until you use up the ones you have available in your balance. If you buy multiple subscriptions, your available ads will add up.

Once you have highlighted an ad and want to highlight a different one or even the same one, on the Packs selection page you will see how many ads are available to highlight. To buy a new pack, you must first use up the available balance of the pack you have active.
The ads remain highlighted depending on the pack you have purchased. Once the duration time has expired, your ads will no longer appear highlighted among others. This option is a good complement to use with the Boost Ads tool that allows you to upload your ads to the top positions in their category. Without a doubt, it is another way to make your ads more visible and attractive to other users. A large percentage of users visit highlighted ads. Many users have become more successful thanks to Highlighting their best ads from others in their category.
In addition to highlighting your ads, you can also take them to the first position of their category:
How to Boost Ads to First Place and Available Pack
To buy any of the available packs, you can make the payment with Paypal, Card or through credits. You can buy credits or redeem the ones you already have accumulated in your balance. Buying credits allows you to Buy Packs in a cheaper way.
More information about Buy credits
If you access the page to highlight ads you will see your available balance to spend highlighting your best ads.