Your Tools to Buy and Sell
Manage your seller account
If you have created an account on Todogadget, you can check all your data from your user panel. You can also see your performance as a seller (ie, see if buyers are satisfied with the service you offer). In your user panel you will also have access to the history of your ad plans and stored bills.
Control Panel
If you have created an account on Todogadget, you can check all your data from your user panel. You can also see your performance as a seller (ie, see if buyers are satisfied with the service you offer). In your user panel you will also have access to the history of your subscriptions and stored bills. As a user of Todogadget you will have a powerful control panel where you can manage all your ads in addition to storing important information. In addition to publishing and modify your ads, you can also see from your favorite ads to your last bills or the latest ads you've visited. To access your control panel you must log in with your user data. We offer tools for managing your ads in an optimal and effective your ads way and having full control about you do in Todogadget.
Messaging center
You can access your mailbox in the "My messages" section. The messages sent by users will be saved there and you will receive offers for your items for sale. It is also very important that you receive notifications, if you do not receive anything, do not forget to check your spam or junk mail folder.
Subscriptions available
Ads in Todogadget are free but there are also other types of ad plans that include more advanced features for more demanding users who need an extra to advertise their products and have greater guarantees of success. As a registered user you can use the different types of ads at any time, buy new plans, featured packs or update the ones you already have.